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Advancing Nanotoxicology: nanoPASS's Pioneering Role in the OECD-Endorsed Nanomaterial AOP for Pulmonary Fibrosis

14 December 2023

The first nanomaterial-relevant Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) has been endorsed by the OECD, which is now referred to as AOPs 33 (formerly known as AOP173). AOPs 33s on ‘Substance interaction with the pulmonary resident cell membrane components leading to pulmonary fibrosis’ describes how inhalation of nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes may cause fibrosis.

The AOP work was led by Sabina Halappanavar from Health Canada, with contributions from Ulla Vogel and Håkan Wallin from the nanoPASS project. nanoPASS uses key events identified in nanomaterials-relevant AOPs as starting points for the development of targeted assays for hazard testing, and the key events of inflammation are part of the endorsed AOP. ‘The endorsement by OECD is the result of a 9 year long process, and a very important milestone in nanotoxicology’ says Ulla Vogel. Sabina Halappanavar is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of nanoPASS.

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